Thursday, October 6, 2016


Hello everyone,
As we get further into the school year we will be using technology more and more.  There will be times when we need headphones for our devices.  We do have some here at school, but some people prefer to use their own.  Please feel free to bring in a pair from home to use, as long it's okay with your parents!
-Ms. D.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Thank you!!!

I would like to thank everyone for my lovely end of the year gift.  The terrarium was such a wonderful idea.  It is so cool, and it looks beautiful in my bay window at home.  The chocolates are absolutely scrumptious!  Thank you all for such a fantastic year.  It was such a joy working with all of you.  I hope you have an amazing summer and I wish you all the best in fourth grade!!!
Ms. D.